by Mari | 19 Jun 2019 | Uncategorized
Is the climate and ecological crisis affecting you feel emotionally and physically? Is what you hear and see reported on the news causing you to lose sleep and feel anxious, yet helpless to do anything to avert the crisis that is predicted? You are not alone and more...
by Mari | 22 Jan 2019 | Uncategorized
We began as a single cell with homeostatic functions for energy consumption, waste clearing, immunity and growth. Then we became ever more complex organisms! The essential functions of this cell got more complex, diverse and fascinating as we developed into our full...
by Mari | 8 Oct 2018 | Uncategorized
When I feel safe, I feel I can deal with most things myself or by asking for help. Perhaps more importantly, in this state I feel more trusting that I am okay with the unresolved things. What is safety and how does safety feel to you? What is threatening and how does...
by Mari | 16 May 2018 | Uncategorized
Simple self care is a revolution slowly happening in the over-stretched mentally identified, burning out ‘Western’ culture. My blog posts are aiming to offer small ways to join this revolution and here, I’m making it really simple! Would you like to...
by Mari | 23 Apr 2018 | Uncategorized
Do you get sore eyes or tension headaches at times due to straining your eyes at a screen or having a bit of a ‘social mask’ on during the day? Take your attention to your face as you read this, do you notice how your eyes are feeling? How your brow feels?...
by Mari | 4 Apr 2018 | Uncategorized
Is this how you feel after a few hours at the computer, or thinking about worrysome issues? Or do you have a lingering or chronic pain in your shoulders and neck? Time for some body self care right here right now! Breath, ground and attention inward may help to...