‘Touch is food. Vital food’ ~ Dean Juhan (2003)


TOUCH PRESENCE is a day-long experiential workshop in which we will explore our embodied senses as the foundation for relational clothed contact with another.

To touch and be touched is our deepest human need and fundamental to embodiment; to be well met in touch we want to be anchored in an embodied sense of self. How can we re-learn to embody ourselves and meet others within a touch deprived culture?

Relating with touch requires qualities of presence: listening, compassion, curiosity and care for individuals and group. We will begin the day with ourselves; through focus on inner sensing, movement, sound and self touch, you will be guided in deepening connection with your own body mind experiences.

Beginning with self is the bridge into contact with other. Moving into structured clothed touch  partner practices, the focus will be on embodied presence and awareness enabling each to be clear, connected and choiceful as touch is offered and received.  Our intention and practices will encourage heartfulness, spaciousness, enquiry and reflective time with self and others.

This is a workshop for adults wanting to express and give through touch in their relationships, practitioners who work with touch, therapists who want to incorporate touch into their work.

Mari Winkelman and Ali ROSE are trauma-informed Integrative Bodywork and Movement Therapists with a passion to support deeper connection to self, others and life through embodied presence and touch.

Booking information:
Saturday 6th April 10.00-4.00pm @ The Gas Works, Bristol BS2
£55 Earlybird booking before 15th March; £65-75 sliding scale thereafter.
For further information and booking contact connect@mariwinkelman.com


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