These two short audio recordings (below image) will support you to make contact with your bodymind and tune in to your experience within. They are intended to resource you in your everyday life. The first recording focuses on your skin sensitivity and the second on contact with your bones.
I offer structure and invitations how to do these practices with touch, but adapt them to meet your unique body. My intention is to encourage you to respond to how you are feeling and where you feel it with care and openness in your own touch. The recordings are about 7 minutes each but do extend your time with touch if you feel to and let your body savour this attention and care.
Skin – sensitivity
Bone – ground
I acknowledge the profound wisdom of each of our bodies sensory channels for guiding you in these simple practices. As with all my embodiment practices I support you to adapt and choose your way with them to get the most out of them. If you find yourself with discomfort or refusal in your body, please respect these sensory cues that you may need something different right now, or perhaps an unconscious experience is arising and needing therapeutic support. I trust you will contact me if you need support to understand anything that arises for you, and I will help personally if possible or signpost you to another therapist.