Closed group starting Tuesday 21 September – details below:
Taster session 14 September – details here.
About: This group invites you more fully over two months into conscious relationship with your Nature and your Culture in your body. For me, this journey is ongoing and I hope you’ll join me on it. Please bring your curiosity and your desire to connect more deeply to your human nature and culture alongside others in this microcosm of our world. Read below and contact me to book on!
When: Seven weekly Tuesday evening Zoom sessions over two months @ 7-8.45pm on 21, 28 Sept; 5, 12, 19 (not 26) Oct; 2, 9 Nov. (A recurring link and joining instructions / invitations will be sent to you on booking). Plus regular visits to Nature in your locality and in your time.
Cost: Sliding Scale £60 low wage – £100 full price – please choose your price according to your means to support more folks to participate and book/pay in advance to confirm your place.
Intention: Fallow Body offers a weekly group zoom embodiment session – you are in the familiar environment of your space, joined with others in a shared guided journey – to return your attention home to your body, to more fully inhabit and familiarise yourself with your living body processes. You are invited additionally to make regular visits to a place in Nature where, you can foster relationship to your inner nature. Here, you witness the magic of regenerative support from this organismic interconnection and be in the wisdom of your source.
Remember how
- to be guided and led by diverse bodymind balancing and orienting systems,
- to support your innate cycles, rhythms and structures
- to be active and recuperative in ways that support your health and vital energy
Enquire about
- cultural influences on your bodymind
- habits you have allowed to colonise your bodymind
- what inspires your interest and energy in Nature that you would love more of
Fallow process opens us to space for the non-dominant processes to come alive. Allowing dominant systems to rest facilitates the reparation of worn places and new growth and energy, new ideas and impulses; a sense of returning to fuller vitality, ability to feel and express yourself and empathise with others.
Contact me to find out more and book on.