This book was initiated by my teacher, Linda Hartley just before the pandemic arose and we were writing it through that time! It’s an amazing variety of writings and explorings which will catalyse your own enquiries for sure!
Please follow this link to read more:
The code FNB10 entitles UK/EU customers to 10% off the book when purchasing on https://www.handspringpublishing.com/
We will offer a further discount to those joining us for the Book Launch on June 30th.
Discounts will also be available in the US market once the book is available there.
ISMETA members can receive a 20% discount from the ISMETA Bookstore: https://ismeta.org/bookstore#myaccount
The Book Launch, via zoom, on Thursday June 30th from 7-8pm UK time, will be a chance to meet and hear some of the authors speak about their contribution to the book.
Contact me to register for free entry to the launch on Zoom.
Here is the book blurb from Linda!
“Twenty-one Integrative Bodywork & Movement Therapy practitioners have worked with me over the last three years to create a rich and diverse collection of writings. They offer a glimpse into the practice, research and creative work that has emerged through our collective somatic explorations over a period of more than thirty years. Rooted in IBMT practice, the authors open into a wide range of applications, embracing educational, therapeutic and creative practice.”
My reflections on writing the chapter:
I have always been inspired by Linda, as a teacher and a writer. And she has encouraged me to deepen and share more. When I had to submit the final draft in Sept 2020, I felt I had already poured forth a lot of what my journey had been with this transformative training… I was so grateful to be reborn through it. And being a white woman I had only just begun the profound awakening from the numbing from the impacts of my ancestral legacy of colonialism and white supremacy on my own body, mind and somatic practice. I was allowed to do another ‘edit’ of my chapter at the last minute as I couldn’t not! However, I don’t do justice in my chapter to the process of meeting my own white privilege because I was immersed in feelings that were too hard to articulate and I would have needed to re-write the chapter – not enough time! It took time for me to deepen into the conversation about systemic racism as a white person, after it was finally birthed out into a global public platform. As BLM and white allies pushed back against suppression and inspired more general public to wake up, more books and seminars and workshops were created for black, brown and mixed heritage people to make this brave conversation about healing deep racial and psychosocial traumas possible in many places at once.
I was not able to reflect or express more than I did in the publishing schedule, so I want to name this as I recognise how fundamental colonisation by whiteness and capitalism is to the divisions and exclusions of the somatic practitioner community to continue exploring how white bodies have been shaped by white supremacy.
For me, deepening into my relationship to my body in the school of IBMT was my preparation for this deepening of decolonising in myself and in my relationships and I am dedicated to continuing that deconditioning and decolonising work in all the connections I have through my somatic therapy and education work, including in engaging with the IBMT community and in my writing! Wave over if you want to join me! And do please share this book link, it’s meant for everyone and the more we share, and learn together – well that’s what it’s all about! Contact me to register for free entry to the launch on Zoom.