Return to Nature: Being in Nature feels simple and enlivening. Elements, colours, and movements feel simple and real, bringing me in to the present moment. Humanity came from Nature yet now it seems there is a risk of us never returning fully to our natural state. Technologies and geographical divisions mean that we spend more time online, hooked to computers rather than rooted in the grasses.
The image of a hand rising out of the grasses feels poignant to me, reminding me what we are losing more of as we build more on our our Earth. In these last years I’ve been prioritising reminding myself of the feeling of Nature each day by having an interaction with Earth, water, a tree or an animal. It feels like Nature forgives me each time for being absent, welcomes me back and offers me strong and gentle reflections of what really matters in life.
I encourage you to do the same, remind yourself of your Nature, to balance the time you spend hooked up to technology. Staying aware of this balance feels crucial at this time… and Nature awaits our returning.
If you find it hard to make time for your own Nature connection and would like to join a group activity which places this connection at it’s heart, please click the images below for details. These are two separate groups and forthcoming dates are:
Meetings with Nature – 17 November in Box Woodlands – click image
Soil & Stream – 1 December in woodlands in Stroud – click image below