Stress is so prevalent for many of us and builds with out us noticing to intolerably high levels. Like all animals, humans are adaptable in relationship and environment in order to survive but survival doesn’t always accommodate comfort and ease.
I am suggesting that we also adapt our habits and environments to enhance our sense of comfort in our lives and that this will positively impact our health. So with this meditation, I’m offering the question: how can you use the potential of adaptation to help you to feel well in yourself?
The intention for this 10 minutes is to take your attention into your body, notice and receive guidance as to what you need to adapt to feel more at ease within. Notice what you can change in your environment to support that. You can refer to my earlier post about creating a sanctuary at home and making uninterrupted space for self care. If you like this meditation and want to radically alter your way of relating to your body, contact me to find out about how Embodied Coaching can help you, or to try one of my classes.